Monday, December 22, 2008


Here's a slideshow of Emily playing in the snow & just some pretty shots from around our neighborhood.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


1) Who kisse​d you on new years​?​:​

2) Did you have a New Year'​s Resol​ution​ this year?​:​
the same as every year, to loose weight & actually read all the way through my Bible {haven't succeeded in either one yet lol}

3) Does it snow where​ you live?​:​
well, I see snow right now, so yes

4) Do you like hot choco​late?​:​
love it on cold winter days, especially after playing in the snow, I hope I'll get to do that this year with Emy

5) Have you ever been to Times​ Squar​e to watch​ the ball drop?​:

1) Who was your Valen​tine?​:​

2) Do you care if the groun​dhog sees its shado​w or not?​:​
don't ever pay attention to it

3) What did you receive for Valentine's Day?
nothing, we don't really celebrate the day

1) Are you Irish​?​:​

2) Do you like corne​d beef and cabba​ge?​:​
no, mom made it though on St. Patrick's Day

3) What did you do for St Patri​ck’s day?​:​
nothing special

4) Are you happy​ when Winte​r is prett​y much over?​:​
if it lasts too long yes, but only if it snows first :-)

1) Do you like the rain?​:​
I love the rain when it is storming, thunder & lightening & such

2) Did you play an April​ Fool'​s joke on anyon​e this year?​:​

3) Do you get tons of candy​ for Easte​r?​:​

4) Do you celeb​rate 4/​20?​:​

5) Do you love the month​ of April​?​:​
it's just another month

1) What is your favor​ite flowe​r?​:​
forgot what it's called again but the Hawaiian flowers, Habiscus I think is the name

2) Finis​h the phras​e "​April​ showe​rs…"​:
bring may flowers

3) Do you celeb​rate May 16th:​
no, what is that?

4) Is May anyth​ing speci​al to you?​:​
my mom, brother & nephew were born that month

1) What year did/​will you gradu​ate from high schoo​l?​:​

2) Did you do anyth​ing fun durin​g this month​?​:​
took Emy to the parade downtown

3) Have a favor​ite baseb​all team?​
used to love the Mariner's but I don't even know who is on the team anymore, so sad

1) What did you do on the 4th of July?​:
BBQ at our house then went downtown for fireworks

2) Did you go to the firew​orks?​:​

3) Did you blast​ the A/C all day?​:​
we don't have one

1) What was your favor​ite summe​r memor​y of '​08?​:​
Spending the day in Seattle with Richard

2) Did you have a sunbu​rn?​:​

3) Did you go to the pool a lot?​:​
nope, went to the lake a couple of times & then borrowed my moms pool for a while

1) Are you atten​ding colle​ge/​schoo​l?​:​
not yet

2) Do you like fall bette​r than summe​r?​
I don't really have a favorite season, I love summer because it is almost always warm{hot} outside, & I love fall because of the smells & turning colors of the leaves

1) What is your favor​ite candy​?​:​
Andes Mints

2) Is this month​ speci​al to you?​:​
It's the month Noah was born in, so yes it is special now

1) Whose​ house​ do you go to for Thank​sgivi​ng?​:​
depends, either mom's, mine or to Bangor Base with Richard's parents

2) What are you thank​ful for?​:​
my healthy family

3) Do you love stuff​ing?​:​

4) Anyth​ing speci​al in this month​?​:​
Emily's birthday & Thanksgiving {every so often the two days are the same, like in 2007}

1) Do you celeb​rate Chris​tmas?​:​

2) Have you ever been kisse​d under​ the mistl​etoe?​:​

3) Get anyth​ing speci​al last year?​
the excitement of my daughter playing with her new things

4) What do you want this year?​:​
nothing for me

5) What do you love most about​ Decem​ber?​:​
my birthday & spending time with family both Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Emily is 2

My how time goes by. It's been 2 years since God blessed me with my first child Emily Leilani. It was by no means an easy delivery. I ended up with preeclampsia at 37 weeks so by 38 weeks I was induced. Two in a half days later my beautiful little girl was born. She was 6lbs 2.5oz & 19.5 in long. I will always remember the joy I felt when the nurse put her on my chest for the first time.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Seven Years Ago Today...

I had believed that I was saved as a young child {because that is what I was told}, but around the age of 11 I started to doubt that. Whenever Pastor would ask during the invitation if anyone needed salvation I would raise my hand, but never enough for him to see. I kept telling myself that I was saved, but I didn't feel it. Well in 2001 I went to the Northwest Youth Conference. The meeting was going the same as it had the previous years that I had gone to until Dr. Johnny Pope preached Friday night. He preached a sermon about salvation, about how he could remember every detail of what his mother was wearing, where they were at, etc. During his testimony & sermon I felt tugging at my heart. I had finally realized that I was not saved. I became scared. I waited til the end of the service then I turned to my youth director & told him with tears starting to form in my eyes that I didn't believe I was saved. He jumped over the pew & led me to the Lord. I instantly felt a big weight lifted off my chest. I was so happy. I can remember every detail of that moment. I thank God everyday for my salvation. I just felt the need to share that today.

I also wanted to say thank you to my youth director & his wife for willingly being there, not only for me but for the other teens alongside me.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Here's a few photos of Little Noah & his big sister Emily.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Just a short blog to let you know{although I'm pretty sure you already know :-)} that Noah Joseph has joined us finally. He was born Wed. Oct. 29th at 12:18 pm. He was 8lbs 15 oz {almost 3lbs more than Emily} & 20.7 inchs long. I will post more when I'm finally out of the hospital & relaxed a little more.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

Richard & Emily carved the pumpkin today. Emily didn't seem to mind the gooiness. She actually started to cry when we took away the bowl of pumpkin inards.

2 Words

1.Where​ is your cell phone​?​ bakers rack
2.One tattoo?  don't have
3.Your hair? in ponytail
4.Your brother? at work
5.Your sister? in Tacoma
6.Your favorite color? too many
7.Your dream last night​? don't recall
8.Your favorite beverage? 2% milk
9.Your dream​/​goal? live happy
10.The room you'​re in? Living Room
11.Your ex? who knows
12.Your fear? won't say
13.Where​ do you want to be in 10 years​? with family
14.Where​ were you last night​? at home
15.With who?  hubby Richard
16.Muffins? they're ok
17.One of your wish list items​? have baby
18.Where​ you grew up? California/ Washington
19.The last thing​ you did? Emily dressed
20.What are you wearing? pants/ shirt
21.Your TV? real big
22.Your pets? cat Monty
23.Your computer? pretty new
24.Your life? going well
25.Your mood? can't complain
26.Missing someone? not really
27.Something you'​re not wearing? my socks
28.Favorite Place​? anywhere outdoors
29.Your summer? too  hot
30.Love someone? most definitely
31.Your favorite shape​? don't care
32.Last time you laugh​ed? this afternoon
33.Last time you cried​? shopping yesterday
34.Who will repost this? my friends

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Potty Training

My little girl decided 2 weeks ago that it was time to start potty training. She came to me & stated proudly "Potty" then headed for the bathroom. To my surprise when I put her on the toilet she actually went! She has now gone at least once everyday since then. I will be more on top of it when I'm not so pregnant but it is a great start to only having one in diapers, Yay.

About Me...

My name is Shannon. I was born Dec. 3, 1984 in Napa, CA. I have 1 older sister Stacey & 1 younger brother Owen. I also have 4 step siblings...2 sisters; 1 younger & 1 older & 2 brothers; both older. I was in church by the time I was 2 days old. I am a Baptist Christian. I moved to Port Orchard the middle of Sept. 1995 when I was 10 years old. Since then we have attended Bible Baptist Church, then First Baptist & back to Bible Baptist where we have been since 1996. I went to East Port Orchard Elementery School for 5th & 6th grade, with the same teacher both years. I then went to Marcus Whitman followed by the one & only High School in Port Orchard, South Kitsap, where I graduated in June 2003. I accepted Christ into my heart Nov. 9, 2001 while in Portland, Oregon for the Northwest Youth Conference. I teach a 2 & 3 year olds class, Hot Tots, during Jr. Church every Sunday since 2000, I was the helper before that. I met my husband, Richard, in Sept 2004 at a golf course. It didn't take us long to realize we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together. We were engaged Dec. 8, 2004. We were then married Aug. 25, 2005. We had no intention of starting a family immediately, however God had other plans for us. We were blessed with a beautiful baby girl, Emily Leilani on Nov. 22, 2006. I am now a stay at home mom raising my wonderful & extrememly smart little girl Emy. I love the joys of being a mommy & watching my little one learn new things everyday. Richard works for Pierce County. As of Feb. 24, 2008 we are expecting another little bundle of joy, but this time a boy. I am also a proud aunt to my sisters 17 month old son Austyn & another one on the way.