Thursday, January 8, 2009

I've Been Tagged

1. I AM... a servant of God
2. I WANT... a vacation with my family
3. I HAVE… more than I deserve
4. I KEEP... too many sweets in the house... it's not good for my figure hehe 
5. I WISH I COULD... keep my kids safe from the hurt in this world 
6. I HATE… spiders...ewe
7. I FEAR... losing my family
8. I HEAR... Noah cuing & Emily playing
9. I DON'T THINK... too much, it hurts
10. I REGRET... nothing, it has all made me who I am today 
11. I LOVE... the outdoors, especially the ocean
12. I AM NOT... perfect... I do make mistakes & I may offend you sometime...I'm sorry 
13. I DANCE... with my kids
14. I SING... in the car
15. I NEVER... have read my Bible all the way through...working on that one{prayfully this year}
16. I RARELY... get offended by things
17. I CRY WHEN I WATCH... sad movies... like last night, 'A Walk To Remember' so sad
18. I AM NOT ALWAYS... on time... I need to manage time better that's for sure{I hear its a Baptist thing lol} 
19. I HATE THAT... I let myself gain so much weight
20. I'M CONFUSED ABOUT... alot... just ask my husband

21. I NEED... to manage my time better, than maybe I can actually get together with my friends outside of church

I tag Aleshia.


Alice said...

Time management and organization...tough ones, Shannon. I have a hard time with those and I don't have 2 little babies under my feet all day.

Let's pray for each other to make time to get our "to do" lists conquered this year!!!

Shannon said...

Sounds good... I will pray for you.