Saturday, January 14, 2012

Thank Goodness...

...This crazy running here and there part of my weekend is over. Birthday Party #1: the sleepover for Emily went great. She had fun. I missed a Scentsy Party for me but Noah wanted to stay at the party a little longer. Party #2: Didn't even realize there was a second one but this morning apparently Emily had more cake and ice cream for another little girls birthday whom was also at the sleepover. Noah and I went to the Soup & Bread Let It Snow Ladies Fellowship at church today and had a great time :) Then straight off to Party #3: Luckily that one was right down the road from me so didn't have to go far from home. Now the kids should be waking from their naps soon, Rich is about to go to bed until work and I am going to relax(if you consider folding and putting clothes away or washing dishes and cooking dinner relaxing anyway) while I wait anxiously for the first snow to fall this winter :)

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