Tuesday, June 9, 2009


So its been awhile since I've posted anything on here. So here's part of our life the past few weeks or so...

We've been house hunting for a little more than a month now{technically longer but we weren't very active}. We put a bid on one house that was everything we wanted & in the neighborhood we wanted but was WAY under priced so we were out bid by $10k. So needless to say the house hunting continued. We saw this one that we really liked & went back to it a second time last week just to make sure. Well, we went to put a bid on it & of course it was bought already. The selling agent didn't change it in the computer but we found out that they had their inspection the day we went to bid on it. So again the house hunting continued. We planned an appointment for yesterday to look at this one house but were skeptical because the pictures didn't look the greatest. However the house was great with a fully fenced in yard {even a gate for the driveway!} and just beautiful. The owner of the house actually still lives in it & was there when we went to look at it. We also had our kids with us & so she was able to meet us all. So we put a bid on it. We just found out about an hour ago that our bid WAS excepted!!!! Yay PRAISE GOD!! Anyways.. we now have to get through the inspection. So just pray for us that all will go well with the inspection{I think this is the last BIG hurdle we have to go through}.

Just a prayer request for the owner & her family.. Her husband just died last week & she wants to move down south to live with her son & his family. So pray for everything to go smoothly not only for us but also for the owner{I can't remember her name}. I will keep you all updated as we go through the process.

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